Hero Survivality Ratio


Hero Damage Output


Hero Master Difficulty


Champion Informations

Champion Class Champion Subclass Champion Strength Champion Recommended Lane Champion Team fight position
Fighter Assassin Fighter Dash / Finish Jungle Front Row

Ever heard of ghosts? A ghost wandered the dense forest—a forest that held the remains of an ancient deity. Patrolling the lands of the past, the ghost punished all who entered its forbidden domain. However, the most outstanding female warrior of the Knights of the Round Table was determined to fi...

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Divine Awakening (P)

Deals an additional 25% damage to non-hero units. After death, continue to move in a true form, increasing the movement speed of allies moving towards Athena by 10%, gaining vision, and being able to resurrect at the true form’s location, dealing 480(+120% physical attack) physical damage and knocking up enemies for 0.75 seconds upon revival. Tips: Athena can serve as a moving vision scout after death, providing vision for teammates. It’s crucial to choose a good location to resurrect to avoid being killed again by the enemy.

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Holy Advanced (1)

Dash forward with the shield, dealing 300/360/420/480/540/600(+75% physical attack) magic damage and knocking back enemies, while also gaining a 375/465/555/645/735/825(+82% physical attack) point shield for 1 second, which makes her immune to control effects during the shield’s duration. Tips: This skill allows Athena to dash a short distance, knocking back enemies in her path and generating a shield to absorb damage. If the shield breaks, Athena will be stunned, so use this feature wisely.

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Unstoppable Spear (2)

Leap in the specified direction and enhance the next normal attack to charge at the enemy, dealing 350/400/450/500/550/600(+100% physical attack) physical damage. Hitting the same target three times consecutively deals 25% of the target’s missing health as physical damage. The enhanced attack must be triggered within 6 seconds to activate Piercing. Hitting enemies with Holy March or Reverent Shield reduces the cooldown of Piercing Spear by 4 seconds. Tips: This is Athena’s key dash skill, allowing for a second dash with a normal attack to deal damage. It can also be used for escaping.

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Immovable Aegis (3)

Athena raises her shield to gain a 900/1800/2700(+100% physical attack) point shield, immune to control effects for up to 1.5 seconds. Then, she counterattacks with the shield, dealing 240/360/480(+70% physical attack) magic damage to enemies within range. Each time she’s hit by an enemy hero attack during the shield’s duration, the shield’s counterattack damage increases by 12.5%, and the cast time decreases, stacking up to 8 layers. Tips: The shield generated by this skill can absorb a significant amount of damage and deal AOE damage after it ends. It’s best used in the center of team fights after dashing in to absorb damage and apply a wide range of slow effects.