Hero Survivality Ratio


Hero Damage Output


Hero Master Difficulty

Da Qiao

Champion Informations

Champion Class Champion Subclass Champion Strength Champion Recommended Lane Champion Team fight position
Support Support Buff Crowed Control/Initiator Support Backline

Ancient Anomalic: The Qiao clan of Wu adhered to complex and strict traditions in order to maintain the sorcery passed down through their bloodline. But their worst fear came to pass: the birth of the first twin girls in thousands of years seemed to fulfill the prophecy that the Qiao clan would die....

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Law of Infinity (P)

Grants a Movement Speed boost to herself and a nearby teammate. Thetides created by her skills deal extra damage when they overlap

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Leaping Koi Tide (1)

Launches and damages enemies in a line ahead, leaving a tide that dealscontinuous damage. Gains Movement Speed when using skills.

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Sea of Fate (2)

Conjures a magic circle that teleports her and an ally within it back to Baserestoring their Mana and granting a Movement Speed boost

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Eye of the Whirlpool (3)

Conjures a magic circle that deals damage and lets her teammates teleportto it. The circle enhances the Attack Speed of teammates within it.