Hero Survivality Ratio


Hero Damage Output


Hero Master Difficulty


Champion Informations

Champion Class Champion Subclass Champion Strength Champion Recommended Lane Champion Team fight position
Assassin Fighter Dash/Crowd Control Jungle Flank

Since time immemorial, mercenaries have bounced between different masters, using their blood and sweat to earn themselves a living. Crisis, danger, betrayal, and death were all in a day's work for them. Today's friends might become tomorrow's enemies, and adversaries of the past might become allies ...

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Dragon's Roar (P)

The lower his Health, the greater his damage reduction and skills.

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Thunderbreaker (1)

Zilong charges forward, dealing damage and enhancing his next Basic Attack. This skill's cooldown is reset whenever his Health reaches a certain level.

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Stormpiercer (2)

Jabs repeatedly in the target direction, dealing damage. Recovers Health on hit.

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Skysplitter (3)

Leaps to the target area, damaging and launching enemies in the center.